Tips on Preventing Rust In Your Gutters

Commercial Gutters, Copper Gutters, Half Round Gutters, Seamless Gutters

Gutters become susceptible to rust at some point in their life span. As a homeowner, keeping your gutters free from rust is part of its care and maintenance routine. In today’s post, Pensacola Gutters shares tips on how to prevent rust in your gutters.


Keep the Gutters Clean

Ideally, gutters should be free from leaves, needles, branches and any other kind of solid material. This is easier said than done in real-world conditions, which is why you need to clean your gutters regularly. Anything that causes clogging in the gutters will result in moisture retention. Sharp branches can scratch the coating on the gutters and expose the metal underneath to moisture, and consequently result in rust.

Watch Out for Standing Water

Standing water happens when water collects in the gutter troughs instead of flowing towards the downspouts. It can be caused by one or more of the following: wrong gutter slope, oversized gutter troughs, or objects in the gutters that are blocking the flow. Standing water has the same effect as moisture retained by leaves and needles in the gutters and causes rust.

Wrong gutter slopes and oversized gutters can be corrected by a gutter installer. In addition to regular gutter cleaning, you should consider having a gutter protection system installed over your gutters. Whereas typical gutter covers would filter leaves and debris at the top—which means you still have to clean them every once in awhile—Gutter Helmet sheds them to the ground, eliminating the need to clean your gutters.

Avoid DIY Repairs

You can choose to clean your gutters yourself or have it cleaned by professionals. Repairs, however, are another matter. Many homeowners have made the mistake of using metals that are not intended for patching holes in the gutter. Certain metals react and cause galvanic corrosion when in contact with each other, which can result in even bigger holes.

Other homeowners use caulk and paint that aren’t intended to be used on gutters, which can result in premature wear. Leaving repairs to the pros can ensure a long-term fix, which helps prevent rust in the gutters.



Choosing what you want for your rain gutters can be daunting after you discover all the options available. Fort Myers Gutters helps you through the process, installing the most durable gutters to protect the foundations of your Fort Myers, Florida business. We are the ultimate solution to protect your home from leaks and runoff. Contact the experts at Fort Myers Gutters by filling out the contact form on this website and schedule an appointment right away. We will be happy to assist you! 

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